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Hi, I’m Dr. Diana Hofshi.

I’m a licensed clinical psychologist. I help people control or eliminate painful psychological and emotional symptoms; improve their relationships; and find meaning, purpose, creative expression, and hopefully a sense of joy in their lives. If you come to me for therapy, you can expect us to work together, collaboratively, using a mix of practical tools, reflection, mindfulness, and existential exploration.

I received my undergraduate degree in Comparative Literature from Brown University, and also received undergraduate training in music and vocal performance. I received my Ph.D. from the Derner Institute at Adelphi University, completed my internship at North Central Bronx Hospital, and completed my Postdoctoral Fellowship at The New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. My path to psychology was a circuitous one, born of my love for the arts, science, critical theory, and philosophy. I feel privileged to have discovered this field, about which I am so passionate.

For more about my training, please click here.